Maine holiday rentals - self-catered stays in the USA
By securing Maine holiday accommodation, you will be residing in a humid continental climate. This suggests that it could be mildly hot, however this is usually not the case. Maine enjoys quite cold and snowy winters, which are moderated a little when approaching the coastal areas.
Maine holiday rentals and natural attractions
If you are looking for Maine holiday homes, you and your family can enjoy plenty of scenic assets during your stay. If you a partial to the odd boat ride, why not visit Mount Desert Island, the largest of all the islands off Maine's coastline. Acadia National Park is located here as well as several other iconic pieces of scenery. You could also visit Casco Bay and Sunday River for more breathtaking views.
Other attractions available with Maine holiday homes
Visit the Ogunquit Museum of American Art, the Spring Point Ledge Light, Penobscot Marine Museum or Otter Cliffs Radio Station. There are several harbours located in Maine, each with their own landmarks to marvel at. The Portland Breakwater Light and Bass Water Head Light are especially popular with visitors.
What are the most popular accommodations in Maine?
The most popular accommodation types in Maine are bed and breakfast rental and house rentals. With 1,002 accommodations in Maine, the perfect holiday home is only one click away.
What does it cost to rent a holiday home in Maine?
With Casamundo, you will find holiday rentals in Maine starting from as little as £83. On average, properties in Maine will have a size of 165 m² (House rentals) and 31 m² (Bed and breakfast rental).
Do you also offer accommodations that are suitable for groups in Maine ?
We can help you find accommodations in Maine for a group. On average, the bed and breakfast rental has space for 2 guests.