Top 15 Recommended holiday lettings in Northern Spain
Find your perfect holiday home, apartment or cottage in Northern Spain from just £41 per night!
Best holiday rental deals in Northern Spain
Save up to 26%
Holiday homes and cottages with a garden
Your haven in nature: Book a holiday rental surrounded by a garden in Northern Spain today!
Holiday lettings and apartments with air conditioning
Book your stay in an air-conditioned holiday rental in Northern Spain!
What are the most popular accommodations in Northern Spain?
The most popular accommodation types in Northern Spain are apartment rental and house rentals. With 4,357 accommodations in Northern Spain, the perfect holiday home is only one click away.
What does it cost to rent a holiday home in Northern Spain?
Prices start at just £41 per night. Most house rentals in Northern Spain are 132 m² and apartment rental are 73 m².
Do you offer pet-friendly apartment rental in Northern Spain?
We have the perfect options for you and your furry companions. Apartment rental are the most pet-friendly type of accommodations in Northern Spain and cost an average of £189 per night.
Do you also offer accommodations that are suitable for groups in Northern Spain ?
We have a great range of accommodations for groups in Northern Spain. On average, the apartment rental has space for 5 guests.
Price and Availability Index for Northern Spain
Holiday Letting Price Information in Northern Spain
Rental availability information in Northern Spain
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