Recommended holiday lettings in Pas de la Casa
Find your perfect holiday home, apartment or cottage in Pas de la Casa from just £57 per night!
Best holiday rental deals in Pas de la Casa
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Holiday rentals with wifi
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What are the most popular accommodations in Pas de la Casa?
The most popular accommodation types in Pas de la Casa are apartment rental and house rentals. With 82 accommodations in Pas de la Casa, the perfect holiday home is only one click away.
What does it cost to rent a holiday home in Pas de la Casa?
With Casamundo you can find rentals in Pas de la Casa starting at £57. On average, you will stay in a 25 m² (House rentals) or a 39 m² (Apartment rental).
Do you offer pet-friendly apartment rental in Pas de la Casa?
If you are travelling with your pet, we have the perfect solution: Apartment rental are the most pet-friendly accommodation types in Pas de la Casa. On average a pet-friendly rental costs £127 per night.
Do you also offer accommodations that are suitable for groups in Pas de la Casa ?
We can help you find accommodations in Pas de la Casa for a group. On average, the apartment rental has space for 4 guests.